Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wing Zone featured in QSR Magazine

Wing Zone was recently featured in an article on titled, "Wing Zone Wants Women to Take a Skinny Dipper". The article discusses the new Skinny Dippers, what they are, why the brand is targeting women, and the sizes and prices offered. Dan Corrigan discusses how Skinny Dippers are a healthier option. Click here for the entire article or begin below.

Wing Zone Wants Women to Take a Skinny Dipper

By Mary Avant

 With many diners across the country still trying to make good on their New Year’s resolutions to stick to a healthier diet, Wing Zone is trying to cash in on their hard-fought efforts.Its newest chicken product, Skinny Dippers—unbreaded, 100 percent white chicken breast that’s fried and flavored-fused in one of the brand’s 17 flavors—plays up this health angle.
“It looks like it’s a grilled item, so it’s got kind of the healthier halo,” says Dan Corrigan, Wing Zone’s marketing manager. “So launching it at the beginning of the year when everyone’s got their New Year’s resolution—and for those looking to eat a better solution for you—it’s definitely better and healthier than our original and boneless wings.” 

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